Hey everyone! Although it’s hard to believe, a whole month has already passed since all the freshmen moved in here at WNE. Part of me can’t believe it’s already been a whole month, while another part of me can’t believe it’s only been a month. Maybe it’s the fact that here, it’s always so busy. There’s always something to do (whether it be go to class, do homework, or something non-academic related), always people to hang out with. This past month has been just so full of activity that it’s hard to believe it could all happen in only a month. While the transition hasn’t been all easy, I’m still 110% behind my decision to attend WNE, and love it here so much.
One of the main things I was worried about before coming to WNE was the whole roommate situation. I’ve shared a room for pretty much my whole life, but never with anyone besides one of my sisters. I was worried I’d be unable to find anyone to room with, and then after the fact I was afraid that everything would go disastrously. But, luckily for me, my biggest fear was put to rest! My roommate, Brandi (a fellow blogger, actually!) is great! We both get along really well, and I’m really glad that we’re roommates. Though you’ll hear roommate horror stories before coming to college, none of those have applied to me yet (and hopefully, they will never). As long as both you and your roommate are respectful of each other and talk things out, everything does, in my experience work out great. Also, in the first couple of weeks after move in, your RA (resident advisor) will have you fill out a roommate contract; so all agreements are in writing. The past month’s been no doubt hard, but also really fun. I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next, and keep experiencing college life at WNE!
Jen Chaicchio
Hey Jen, I will be attending wneu this fall as a freshman and plan on living in hampden hall. Im trying to find pics of the inside of the dorm rooms in that hall. So far your room pic is the only thing Ive found but dont know if this is how my dorm room will look. your feedback is much appreciated!