Thursday, February 28, 2013

Shipping Off to Boston!

This weekend, I took advantage of a CAB (Campus Activities Board), trip to Boston, Massachusetts. I love the city of Boston, so I jumped at the chance when CAB organized the transportation for the day. My friend Bobby came with me and we had a great day! CAB gave us each city passes which let us into the New England Aquarium for free, so we spent a lot of time petting sting rays and watching some really awesome seals. We also saw the Prudential, ate at Cheers, visited the Apple Store, and walked around Quincy Market. Below is a picture from the City Hall. Even though it was a rainy day, I had a great time in Boston! CAB is planning a trip for NYC soon and I am thinking of signing up for that, so I will let you know how that goes.

The night before Boston my friends and I went to an event put on by the Junior class. The main part of the event was chicken wings. Lots and lots of wings. There is a food place around here called Wings that everyone loves, so the Junior class ordered pounds and pounds of wings and based an event around it. It was a HUGE hit, too! Along with feeding what seemed like all of WNE, there were also eating contests, games and mask making! My creative side came out and I am quite proud with how my masks came out. It was an amazing event all around and I can’t wait for next year!
My masks are the ones on the ends. In the middle are my roommate’s and Bobby’s.
 -Lyndsey SJ

Monday, February 25, 2013

Finding Nemo

For those of you who live in the Northeast, you most likely felt the wrath of Nemo. I’m also guessing that many of you had to shovel yourselves out. Here on the WNE campus many had their own snow adventures as well! The snow isn’t my favorite, so I wasn’t going to be participating in the snow ball fights or snow men building.

Initially, I thought that digging my own car out of the white sea would be a gigantic chore. What I assumed was going to be an awful hour of digging out my car and getting frost bite actually turned into three hours of helping my friends and others dig out their cars. Guess what? I actually had FUN!

It was a lot of sharing shovels and pushing cars to a paved path. The storm revealed the true spirit of the Western New England University community. We are a community of people willing to help others and accept help when we know we need it…not to mention, having a bit of fun along the way. Even though Nemo found us before we could find Nemo, WNE enjoyed the snow and turned what could be seen as a negative into a positive.

Below you will see my roommate and I on top of what looks like snow, but is actually my car. :)

Talk to you soon!


Friday, February 22, 2013

Let it Snow!!

It has been a blizzard of applications and, well, snow! Recently there was a huge snow storm dubbed “Nemo” by the Weather Channel and Western New England University could not escape from it. We had the day off from school on Friday and the whole campus spent at least a little bit of time playing in the snow. Even college students can be children sometimes! There were snowball fights, snowmen, and some of my friends and I made a snow fort. The week before was really busy, so it nice to be able to relax and hang out with friends for the day. I was also really impressed with how well the school dealt with the two feet of snow. I went for a walk on the morning after the storm, and almost every path was cleared well enough to walk on, and all of the stairs were completely cleared! What an amazing staff! And I truly will never tire of how beautiful our campus is, glistening in the snow or shining in the sun.

The past few weeks have also been really busy for me because I have filled out so many applications! As I mentioned in my last post, I am applying to be a PA (Peer Advisor). I made it to the finalist round and I am really excited about the opportunity to be able to help the new incoming freshman. I have also recently finished my La Riviere application. La Riv is a sophomore suit style residence hall that groups have to apply for. It is pretty difficult to get in, but it is a great place to live. Each suite has to put on programs based on their topic which can range from cancer awareness to wellness programs. Our group wants to do current event awareness and we really hope that we get in. We are also going to be a gender neutral suit which is a fairly new program to the campus, so that is exciting, too. Anyways, wish me luck!

Not even an hour after the storm ended and the staircase was already cleared!

Some friends having a lot of fun in the snow!