Thursday, February 28, 2013

Shipping Off to Boston!

This weekend, I took advantage of a CAB (Campus Activities Board), trip to Boston, Massachusetts. I love the city of Boston, so I jumped at the chance when CAB organized the transportation for the day. My friend Bobby came with me and we had a great day! CAB gave us each city passes which let us into the New England Aquarium for free, so we spent a lot of time petting sting rays and watching some really awesome seals. We also saw the Prudential, ate at Cheers, visited the Apple Store, and walked around Quincy Market. Below is a picture from the City Hall. Even though it was a rainy day, I had a great time in Boston! CAB is planning a trip for NYC soon and I am thinking of signing up for that, so I will let you know how that goes.

The night before Boston my friends and I went to an event put on by the Junior class. The main part of the event was chicken wings. Lots and lots of wings. There is a food place around here called Wings that everyone loves, so the Junior class ordered pounds and pounds of wings and based an event around it. It was a HUGE hit, too! Along with feeding what seemed like all of WNE, there were also eating contests, games and mask making! My creative side came out and I am quite proud with how my masks came out. It was an amazing event all around and I can’t wait for next year!
My masks are the ones on the ends. In the middle are my roommate’s and Bobby’s.
 -Lyndsey SJ

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