Wednesday, December 15, 2010

End of the Semester Reflection

I know we have talked so much about how time flies here at Western New England. But they say time flies when you are having fun right? That’s exactly why this first semester has flown by! It literally seemed like yesterday it was a beautiful August day on campus and I said goodbye to my parents. Now we’ve had our first snowfall, and finals week is in full swing. But what has made this first semester one to remember is not the quantity but the quality of time here. There are countless things that made this semester so much fun. One that I won’t forget was WNEC Palooza on my very first weekend with music, food and fun. It was the kick off to a great semester and a great way to meet new people! The 2010 North Central Bowl Champion football team (with a final record of 9-2) was also very good this year which made for exciting Saturday afternoons. Homecoming weekend was also a memorable one, as well as parent’s weekend and the unforgettable BEDRACE (my hall just happened to win that one). I love competition which automatically makes me think of Midnight Madness, our own battle of the classes/pep rally for winter sports. It was a blast for everyone. Those were just some of the big events that took place during my first semester, but more recently in preparing to go home for break they have had many programs to help ease the stress of finals and ending your first semester. There are plenty of ways to relax right now and everyone is being very respectful during this last week. There are 24 hour quiet hours to make it easier to study, and relaxation activities in the campus center! Everyone wants to do well on their finals, but honestly this week has been almost calming so far. As long as you plan ahead for your finals and don’t pull all-nighters, your finals week should be successful. So, getting down to my last few days for the semester, I’ve really tried to reflect on my first experiences at college. Needless to say I’ve had a blast, and although I’m ready for a long holiday break with friends and family, I can’t wait to come back next semester!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Until Next Year

It is hard to believe that this semester is coming to an end. To be honest it is all a blur, but a good blur. I can safely say I have adjusted to the WNEC style of play. The cold whether is another story. With finals coming up in a week, it will definitely be nice to go home and relax. I am sure I will get bored quickly and want to come back, because I can now call WNEC my home. I am looking forward to next semester and all the things I have yet to do and accomplish. Until next year, Happy Holidays.

-The Kid from Cali.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

My New Home

It seems like yesterday I was moving into WNEC. My first semester of school flew by. Throughout my first semester, I felt right at home. Going back to my home was nice, but at the same time it felt weird. WNEC has become a home for me. It is hard to believe that I have done so much in only 3 short months. Alumni continue to say that college flies by fast, and I am experiencing it myself right now.

While on campus, I have gotten involved on campus. I am a part of numerous clubs and organizations. That has helped with the speed of school. It has given me something to do and has gotten me involved on campus. Classes are winding down and it is weird thinking that three months ago I was looking at my syllabi thinking what might happen. Well, everything has happened and now it is time to study for finals. Everyone on campus is getting ready for finals. The winter season is in the air, and everyone is enjoying their time together. Everyone wants to be friends with you, and that is an important part of the college experience. Meeting people allows you to make friends who might be the person that gets you your dream job.

I am looking forward to my second semester as a college student and the opportunities ahead. I know that WNEC was the right choice for me, and I do not want to spend a lot of time away from my new home.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Final Blog of Fall Semester

As the fall semester comes to a close, I realize all that college
has done for me so far and I am more than excited to see what else unfolds
in the spring. I have been presented with so many opportunities and have
indulged myself in all that WNEC has to offer. I found that within a short
three months, I was able to form strong bonds with friends, neighbors, and
was able to ease through my freshman classes. Western New England made the
transition from high school to college an easy one. Between understanding
professors who are willing to answer infinite questions, welcoming RA’s, and the
overall home-like environment, my first semester went amazingly well.

What experience sticks out in my mind most has been my experience
in my Introduction to Psychology class with Dr. Shea. I went into this
class thinking I’d take away with me the basics of the human brain and
emotions, maybe some historical figures within the field. I was able to
learn so much more from a practicing psychiatrist, one who experiences
patient’s emotional turmoil’s day to day. I walked away with a better
understanding of not only the subject but also a better understanding of
myself and where I see my future taking me. As an education major who will
one day deal with high school students, I have more insight into the
psychology of humans and what drives us to do the things we do.