Midnight Madness was this past Friday. It was really awesome and tons of fun…so I heard. Instead of attending, I went home this weekend to meet my biological older brother, Jordan, for the first time in 18 years. I am adopted and within the past 2 weeks, I have just started my search for my biological family. Long story short on how I found Jordan: Turns out he grew up (and still lives) down the street from my adopted brother’s wife and is very close with her family. So through these connections, I ended up finding Jordan and sent him a lengthy message on Facebook. He was absolutely stunned, but excited nonetheless. He started his search almost 2 years ago and was getting discouraged that no one was looking for him.
So a good friend of mine drove 2 hours out here to bring me home Friday. We drove to Jordan’s house Saturday afternoon and I finally met him as well as his adoptive family. Jordan, Brandon (my twin brother), and I spent the whole day together and it was the best feeling in the world. They also came for the ride back to WNE and got to see the University. Along with this blog, I have pictures of Jordan and I meeting and of both my brothers hanging out here. This is only the beginning because we still have at least 2 brothers (Jeremy and Benjamin) and a sister (Jerrica) to be found.
On a more academic note, classes are really picking up trying to make up the week we lost because of snowstorm damage. This weekend is going to be my busiest ever. I have a Biology Lab report, an honors paper, and Calculus homework to do along with studying for my Chemistry exam. But it will all be over soon. If I can just trek through this weekend, I will be rewarded with a much-needed Thanksgiving break!
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