This past weekend I went home for Columbus Day weekend. Since one of my best friends from home also goes to WNE, we drive home together and she wasn’t planning on going home until Saturday afternoon. My parents were really upset since they only had a few days to spend with me and my mom kept insisting that I “put Alyssa on the phone!” Despite the plan to return home on Saturday, Alyssa walked into my room a few minutes past five o’clock on Friday afternoon and said to pack fast because we were leaving at five thirty. I finished packing up my stuff and we were ready to go by 5:33, and I couldn’t have been more excited. I wanted to surprise my parents and friends so I didn’t tell anyone I was coming home except my best friend. When my dad called while I was on the highway (stuck in traffic), I simply told him that I was hanging out with the few people that were still at school in my dorm room enjoying a quiet Friday afternoon, and that I would see him tomorrow. I knew they were both really disappointed, which tempted me to tell them I was really stuck in traffic a few miles from the Mass Pike, but it was just too good of a surprise to ruin it. After being stuck in a long and painful line of traffic, completing a drive that normally takes two hours in three and a half we finally made it back to Carver, Ma! I had my best friend pick me up from Alyssa’s house and she drove me home secretively. She parked down my street so my parents wouldn’t notice me walking up to the door, and I crept across the street and up the drive way so my dog wouldn’t bark. I flew up the front stairs and opened the door to my house (I was praying my parents were home because I didn’t bring my house key to school with me) , and I saw my mom standing at the top of the stairs and she started crying tears of joy because I haven’t seen her since move in day.
After the initial shock of me being home my mom demanded I go see my other friends who were together Friday night. They all thought I was hanging out waiting to Skype them until the moment I walked in the door. It took them a few seconds to realize that it was really me standing in my friend’s bedroom door, but once it clicked in their minds they attacked me with hugs and screams. I had missed them so much over the last few weeks and I needed to be with them after a long stretch of six weeks without them. Saturday night we had what we call a family dinner and we ate, laughed and caught up with each other which is what I really needed. On Sunday we had a fire and watched a scary movie and laughed some more, talking about our awkward middle school days. You never really notice how much you love your friends from home until you’re away from them for a long time, and I have really grown to appreciate them because I can’t be with them all the time. Here’s a few pictures from Friday and Saturday!

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