Tuesday, November 26, 2013

End of the Semester Happenings

This past weekend was so full of exciting events. I had two places to be on any given night, and it was one of the best weekends I’ve had. The fun began on Friday night with our Fall play put on by our theatre group, The Stageless Players. They performed Check Please and Check Please: Take Two and they did an amazing job. I know a lot of people that were in the play, including my best friend, and it was awesome to see all of their hard work pay off. The room was packed and it was only the first showing!
                After the play, I walked over to The Golden Voice competition put on by GBTV, our student run television station here on campus. The Golden Voice is a singing competition that has interviews with the contestants, twitter interaction, and, of course, great singing. I couldn’t go last year, so I am so glad I was able to make it this year. It was really fun and I was surprised at how many talented singers we have here.
                The fun continued on Saturday with World Fest, which was put on by U&ME, the United and Mutually Equal club on campus. It is one of the most loved events that happen here at WNE and it’s not difficult to figure out why. The event begins with a buffet style dinner of foods from around the world. I had a plate overflowing with delicious things that I had never had before. After dinner, the night is full of entertainment inspired by different cultures. This year, they had Spanish dancers, a didgeridoo player, a fire dancer and more. My favorite part of the night, however, was the fashion show. The members of U&ME dress up in outfits from around the world and walk down the aisles. It was amazing to see the different customs and learn more about the world and the people in it.
                Finally, on Sunday the music department got to show off their hard work. Our band, chorus, and University Singers group preformed their Fall Concert. It was bitter sweet for me because I decided not be a part of chorus this year due to other commitments, but they all did an amazing job. The weekend was a success and I know it is one that I’ll remember when I think of WNEU.

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