Friday, September 27, 2013

Homecoming 2013

Western New England’s Homecoming Alumni Weekend is upon us this weekend, September 27th – 29th. It is a wonderful weekend jam packed of athletic games, old friends, and nostalgia.  There are graduates spanning from 1969 to 2012 all together on campus.  It is a time for alumni to reminiscence on their college experience and see first-hand how far their alma mater has come since they have graduated.  On Saturday there will be a field hockey, both men’s and women’s soccer, women’s volleyball and the football game.  There will also be the traditional Golden Bear Boulevard where both current students and alumni go to interact with their clubs, professors and enjoy the company of their classmates reminiscing on the days of ‘WNEC.’

Now that I am a junior, Homecoming is starting to take on a different meaning than it has in the past.  I have friends who have graduated coming back who I am so excited to spend the weekend with and it also makes me think about what my roommates and best friends will be like when we come back for Homecoming just two short years from now.  Four years of college goes by way too fast and I would not have wanted to spend them any other way than here at Western New England University.  Homecoming is just another amazing reminder of that fact.  Happy Alumni Weekend everyone, welcome back!


Bitter "Sweet" Ending

I am both saddened and relieved that the Big E is coming to an end.  I have been working like mad Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays for Cerrato’s Bakery. This is the last weekend and it is bittersweet but going out with a bang.  I am working 4-6 PM on Friday, 10 AM – 10 PM on Saturday, and 10 AM – 2 PM on Sunday.  It is a small work crew and the days are long but the benefits are worth it.  As an employee, you can get into the Big E whenever by scanning in and you can get discounted tickets for $7 instead of the usual $15 (though it is $6 after 5 PM). I have some pictures up of the yummy pastries we sell.  I definitely have to try to resist the temptation to eat the profits!

School-wise, things have been going better than expected.  I did better on my first 2 exams than I had hoped.  I am also looking into taking a Guatemala health class next spring to count as my Integrated Learning Profession (ILP) course. The class is technically an engineering course that discusses technological ways to help the rural areas of Guatemala get better health care. At the end of spring semester, there is a two week trip to Guatemala. As a biology major, the medical aspect of the trip would be very fascinating and would be a unique learning experience. Nothing is finalized yet, but I know that if it works out it would be the opportunity of a lifetime!


Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Little Bit of Home

Sophomore year is just flying by! The leaves are changing, the weather is getting a little bit chillier, and autumn is here! The new season comes with exams, fall athletic games, and The Big E.  The Big E is the largest state fair in New England that is held a short drive from campus in West Springfield, MA and is an event that a lot of WNE students attend.  (For more about the specifics of the Big E click here). I went with some of my friends and fellow WNE students on a Wednesday night and it was an amazing time! My favorite part of the night was the state exhibits.  Each state from New England has its own building to showcase itself.  Vermont had maple syrup, Maine had delicious apple cider and lobster rolls, and Rhode Island had Del’s Lemondade. Yum! I am from Rhode Island, so it was really exciting to be back in my home state while I was still in Massachusetts.  It was a really amazing night with friends and I am so glad that campus is so close to the event. I cannot wait until next year!
Me outside the Rhode Island building at the Big E!

A week after the Big E, I got another taste of my home state. CAB (Campus Activities Board) puts on minitrips throughout the year, and last weekend they hosted a trip to Newport, Rhode Island.  We all went down together and were given passes that would allow us to enter up to five of the Newport Mansions.  It was an amazing deal, and an even better experience for me to be back at home but to still be with my WNE family.  I love CAB minitrips.  Last year I went to Boston, and later this year they’ve scheduled a trip to Salem, Massachusetts! Springfield is truly in the center of everything and CAB really makes the best of that.
My view of the Cliff Walk in Newport, Rhode Island