Western New England’s Homecoming Alumni Weekend is upon us
this weekend, September 27th – 29th. It is a wonderful
weekend jam packed of athletic games, old friends, and nostalgia. There are graduates spanning from 1969 to 2012
all together on campus. It is a time for
alumni to reminiscence on their college experience and see first-hand how far
their alma mater has come since they have graduated. On Saturday there will be a field hockey, both
men’s and women’s soccer, women’s volleyball and the football game. There will also be the traditional Golden Bear
Boulevard where both current students and alumni go to interact with their
clubs, professors and enjoy the company of their classmates reminiscing on the
days of ‘WNEC.’
Now that I am a junior, Homecoming is starting to take on a
different meaning than it has in the past. I have friends who have graduated coming back
who I am so excited to spend the weekend with and it also makes me think about
what my roommates and best friends will be like when we come back for
Homecoming just two short years from now. Four years of college goes by way too fast and
I would not have wanted to spend them any other way than here at Western New
England University. Homecoming is just
another amazing reminder of that fact. Happy Alumni Weekend everyone, welcome back!