Friday, December 14, 2012

Networking, Networking, Networking

Here at Western New England, phrase you are going to hear is “you should be networking and making connections with professionals.” This could not be truer for me. Last month, I started an internship with the Springfield Armor, a team in the NBA Developmental League. I am the Game day Operations Intern for the team, which is the affiliate of the Brooklyn Nets of the NBA. This opportunity was presented to me by one of my professors last year, who brought in Eli Perlstein, the Director of Marketing for the Armor, to talk to our class. This was the first time I was able to meet him and I was able to introduce myself to him. While I did not apply for the internship last year, I knew I wanted to have some experience, and this connection was critical in my search. I sent Eli a message over the summer asking what the internship entailed, and I told him I would be interested. He then sent me an application for the internship.

While I was filling out the application, I needed some help, so I turned to other students that have interned with the Armor in the past as well as the Career Center here on campus. These resources were so helpful that I was hired for the internship. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to be with the team. My roles with the team vary, but for now I am working in the audio room playing music for the team. This internship would not have been possible if I had not met the people who I have, and that would not have been possible if I did not come to Western New England.

They Say it Goes by Fast

Its truly hard to believe next semester will be my last. I find myself reflecting more often than not on some of the great experiences I have had thus far in my collegiate career. Recognizing that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and never regretting what happened in the past.

As i prepare myself for the opportunities I have gained, including my internship next semester with Hockey East, I can be confident in my mindset and consistent work ethic and be able to apply what i have learned to my internship,and to my new challenges I have set out to conquer.There are several people here who I have been able to rely on for help and guidance. Their support has helped me mature and develop my skills to become a more well-rounded person.

I cant wait to see what is in store for me next and I am excited for the last ride

Monday, December 3, 2012

The End of an Amazing Beginning

The two numbers swirling around my head today are five and thirteen. Five more days of classes and thirteen days until I go back to Rhode Island. It is so difficult to believe that my first semester of college is almost over. It has been a crazy ride and an amazing three and a half months here at WNE. College is everything I expected it to be and more. I have made great friends from all over America and the world! I have done better with my school work that I ever have before. I have learned so much about engineering from my classes and my engineering mentor and I cannot wait to come in January to learn even more. I am excited to go back to Rhode Island to see my friends and family and to relax. The holiday season is just a beautiful time and I am glad I get to spend it with my favorite people. While I am away from school, however, I will miss it. I will miss the walks to and from class and around the campus. I will miss being surrounded by my friends at every moment of the day. And I will miss the beautiful campus and the amazing people here. But it will only be twenty-nine days.

Until January,