I have successfully survived my first month of college! I can’t believe it at all, time went by so fast! I have been adjusting to my class schedule pretty well and homework is easier when I space it out and allow myself to have enough time to do homework before too much piles up. I have found college to be easier for me to get my homework done because I do my homework for my two or three classes so it’s out of the way. My only issue is staying focused because I get distracted by everyone easily, but I’m trying to get homework done before I hang out with my friends. I have a few exams coming up in the next two weeks, and I’m nervous, but I know I just have to sit down and study and I’ll do fine. Even better than the academic aspect of my first month is the social part!
Over the last month I have been forming bonds with the people that I have classes with and the people that live in my building. My roommate and myself have become closer not only with each other, but with six other girls that live on our floor (one of which I went to high school with) and we have a lot of fun together, even just by going to dinner and having funny conversations. I love that we can be funny together; just like I am with my friends from home… it makes me feel more comfortable here. My hall in Hampden is the only floor of girls, and we get along really well. I feel like we’re a small community which is what I was hoping to find when I moved here. Everyone is really friendly and we laugh together about silly things.
After the activities fair I also joined the psychology club since my major is psychology and it will help me further my understanding of the subject. I also joined the dance team since I’ve been dancing since I was three. It’s been about two weeks since I joined and I already feel like we’re a small family, and I had never been on a team before coming to WNE, so it’s a really good feeling. I’m looking forward to performing at Friends and Family weekend in October, and I hope to see everyone there!
I can’t believe a month has already gone by already! I’ve been having so much fun here and I can’t wait to see how everything goes over the next month!